Feel Like There’s Something Missing In Your Life
That Will Make All The Sacrifice Worth It?
Come With Us On A 3-Day Journey of Recovery and Rediscovery.
Be your True You: UNMESSABLE!
UNMESSABLE Event Starts In

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Feel Like There’s Something Missing In Your Life That Will Make All The Sacrifice Worth It?
Come With Us On A 3-Day Journey of Recovery and Rediscovery.
Be your True You: UNMESSABLE!
UNMESSABLE Event Starts In

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.


Someone who’s reached millions in profits in business.

Someone who’s climbed up the corporate ladder and reached the top of levels of your company.

A Licensed Professional who made it despite the odds.

Someone who has already reached the success you envisioned for yourself.

From the Organizers and Producers of...

Does your Quest and Attainment of Success Still Leave You Wanting More?

Unearth the root cause of your uneasiness

Take the necessary steps to begin accepting the hard truths of these causes.

Less stress, more living in the 'NOW'.

“I was at that point in my life where I was just so, SO LOST.

I’ve achieved some degree of success, both in my profession and in business. But even after that, there was always something missing. I would always ask myself


Now, I have clarity. Aljor taught me that I had to be at peace with my past. I didn’t know that that was part of making me feel like something was missing in my life.

Since then, I’ve stopped asking “What’s Next” because I didn’t need to anymore. ‘What’s next’ is what I want to do, where I want to go, who I want to be.”

Rox Vergara

Licensed Occupational Therapist, Entrepreneur


Someone who’s reached millions in profits in business, or

Someone who’s climbed up the corporate ladder and reached the top of levels of your company, or

A Licensed Professional who made it despite the odds, or

Someone who has already reached the success you envisioned for yourself

From the Organizers and Producers of...

Discover What's Making You Feel Empty

Unearth the root cause of your uneasiness

Take the necessary steps to begin accepting the hard truths of these causes.

Less stress, more living in the 'NOW'.

“I was at that point in my life where I was just so, SO LOST.

I’ve achieved some degree of success, both in my profession and in business. But even after that, there was always something missing. I would always ask myself


Now, I have clarity. Aljor taught me that I had to be at peace with my past. I didn’t know that that was part of what was making feel like there’s something missing in my life.

Ever since then, I’ve stopped asking “What’s Next” because I didn’t need to anymore. ‘What’s next’ is what I want to do, where I want to go, who I want to be.”

Rox Vergara

Licensed Occupational Therapist, Entrepreneur



20 Years

in the Industry

No. 1 Seminar Provider in the Country



20 Years

in the Industry

No. 1 Seminar Provider in the Country

Follow Aljor Perreras on your “HEALCATION”

Let Aljor Perreras, an expert personal growth thought leader, lead you...

“I know you.

You’ve reached the level of success you could only dream of before, but for some reason, you feel… empty.

Despite the millions you make every year, you find that those millions can’t repair the fractured relationships you have with your family or friends.

You’ve become renowned in your field - accomplished things very few people have ever done in the history of humanity - and yet, when you get home, all you hear in your mind are your parents’ voices saying you’re still not enough.

You’ve finally hit your financial goals, but at the cost of both your mind and body because you still think that ‘other people have done better by this time, and so can I.’

I get it.

I’ve been there.

Let Aljor Perreras, CEO of Primordium Inc., lead you through your journey of rediscovery and recovery.

“I know you.

You’ve reached the level of success you could only dream of before, but for some reason, you feel… empty.

Despite the millions you make every year, you find that those millions can’t repair the fractured relationships you have with your family or friends.

You’ve become renowned in your field - accomplished things very few people have ever done in the history of humanity - and yet, when you get home, all you hear in your mind are your parents’ voices saying you’re still not enough.

You’ve finally hit your financial goals, but at the cost of both your mind and body because you still think that ‘other people have done better by this time, and so can I.’

I get it.

I’ve been there.

Let Aljor Perreras, an expert personal growth thought leader, lead you…

“I know you.

You’ve reached the level of success you could only dream of before, but for some reason, you feel… empty.

Despite the millions you make every year, you find that those millions can’t repair the fractured relationships you have with your family or friends.

You’ve become renowned in your field - accomplished things very few people have ever done in the history of humanity - and yet, when you get home, all you hear in your mind are your parents’ voices saying you’re still not enough.

You’ve finally hit your financial goals, but at the cost of both your mind and body because you still think that ‘other people have done better by this time, and so can I.’

I get it.

I’ve been there.

I’ve been to the highest high - a point of success in my life where I knew that I only needed to want something, and I would have it.

I’ve also been to the lowest low - where I would wake up and just think that something was missing in me.

The catalyst for my fall was the death of my mother.

I blamed myself for not being there - for not seizing the moments we could have spent together before she passed away.

I couldn’t stand it.

I couldn’t bear the fact that what happened really happened and I wasn’t there.

Then one day my sister introduced me to this program.

In 3-day course, everything that was keeping me down, the darkness I was feeling… gone.

And for 20 years since then, I’ve been helping others do the same - face their fears, their past, their mistakes, their failures, their demons, and conquer them.

I’d like to be able to do that for you too.

So you can leave everything in your life that’s hurting you, shackling you…

…and finally… LIVE.

Live free, powerfully, complete, fulfilled.

Join me to set yourself FREE”

I’ve been to the highest high - a point of success in my life where I knew that I only needed to want something, and I would have it.

I’ve also been to the lowest low - where I would wake up and just think that something was missing in me.

The catalyst for my fall was the death of my mother.

I blamed myself for not being there - for not seizing the moments we could have spent together before she passed away.

I couldn’t stand it.

I couldn’t bear the fact that what happened really happened and I wasn’t there.

Then one day my sister introduced me to this program.

In 3-day course, everything that was keeping me down, the darkness I was feeling… gone.

And for 20 years since then, I’ve been helping others do the same - face their fears, their past, their mistakes, their failures, their demons, and conquer them.

I’d like to be able to do that for you too.

So you can leave everything in your life that’s hurting you, shackling you…

…and finally… LIVE.

Live free, powerfully, complete, fulfilled.

Join me to set yourself FREE”

UNMESSABLE Event Starts In

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UNMESSABLE Event Starts In

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

“You’d think Doctors would be immune to triggers, what with the high-intensity scenarios they always show on dramas, right?

Nope. Not me.

I would easily get triggered by my surroundings - even by traffic!

Now, not so much. And I have UNMESSABLE to thank for that.

Through UNMESSABLE, Aljor taught me that I have the power to decide what gets to me - I have the power to choose - to stay in a headspace where I can perform at my best all the time.

Now I choose what I become in everything else.”

Dr. Barbra Tabasan
Doctor, Pharmacist, Business Owner

Let us Contribute to you.

Get the support you need to go through this life-changing process.

Follow our lead so you can process everything easily.

See your new, true self at the end.

“You’d think Doctors would be immune to triggers, what with the high-intensity scenarios they always show on dramas, right?

Nope. Not me.

I would easily get triggered by my surroundings - even by traffic!

Now, not so much. And I have UNMESSABLE to thank for that.

Through UNMESSABLE, Aljor taught me that I have the power to decide what gets to me - I have the power to choose - to stay in a headspace where I can perform at my best all the time.

Now I choose what I become in everything else.”

Dr. Barbra Tabasan
Doctor, Pharmacist, Business Owner

Let us Contribute to you.

Get the support you need to go through this life-changing process.

Follow our lead so you can process everything easily.

See your new, true self at the end.

UNMESSABLE  is a transformative 3-day in-person retreat happening from July 5th to 7th, 2024 designed for those like you - those who’ve reached the peak of success, but are still looking to be fulfilled.

Become "UNMESSABLE" - a state of unwavering strength and freedom in the face of any circumstance.

Embrace a life where the pain of the past no longer shackles you.

Thrust yourself into what your life is supposed to be - successful, FULFILLED, and WHOLE.

The Unmessable Retreat is your path to a life where you are powerful, authentic, and free.

UNMESSABLE  is a transformative 3-day in-person retreat happening from April 9th to 11th, 2024 designed for those like you - those who’ve reached the peak of success, but are still looking to be fulfilled.

Become "UNMESSABLE" - a state of unwavering strength and freedom in the face of any circumstance.

Embrace a life where the pain of the past no longer shackles you.

Thrust yourself into what your life is supposed to be - successful, FULFILLED, and WHOLE.

The Unmessable Retreat is your path to a life where you are powerful, authentic, and free.

UNMESSABLE Event Starts In

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UNMESSABLE Event Starts In

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

Develop Courage

Immersive experiences that go beyond the surface, helping you confront and conquer your fears

Expert and Experienced Facilitator

Expert and Experienced Facilitator who've walked similar paths and are here to guide and inspire

Immersive Learning

Immersive Learning that empowers you with practical tools for real-life challenges

Transform. Evolve!

Discover who you really are through self-empowering tools.

Let go of the things that no longer serve you into your new self.

Feel comfortable, at peace with the new you.

“I constantly felt overwhelmed. It was a suffocating feeling of ineptitude. I had this constant feeling that whatever I did, it was always never enough, regardless of what I sacrifice to get things done.

The little setbacks - deals falling through, clients being irate and such - just made things worse.

Then I heard of UNMESSABLE. I was actually challenging the idea of UNMESSABLE because I am in a space where personal development is the norm. ‘What will I come out as at the end of this program,’ I asked myself.

I found the answer to that in the 3-day retreat.

I’ve never experienced anything like UNMESSABLE. This was HEAVY.

Now I understand why I had this constant feeling of not being enough despite everything I’ve gone through.

I was made aware that the reality of things in my life - with my relationships with my husband and the other people in my life, and even my relationship with myself - were very different from what I had been telling myself. It was because of what I fed my mind. To some extent, I thought I wasn’t enough.

Not anymore. UNMESSABLE helped me regain my power and freedom to live a life that I design.”

Mau Nipal-Nangyo
Business Owner, Entrepreneur, Ads Specialist

Transform. Evolve!

Discover who you really are through self-empowering tools.

Let go of the things that no longer serve you into your new self.

Feel comfortable, at peace with the new you.

“I constantly felt overwhelmed. It was a suffocating feeling of ineptitude. I had this constant feeling that whatever I did, it was always never enough, regardless of what I sacrifice to get things done.

The little setbacks - deals falling through, clients being irate and such - just made things worse.

Then I heard of UNMESSABLE. I was actually challenging the idea of UNMESSABLE because I am in a space where personal development is the norm. ‘What will I come out as at the end of this program,’ I asked myself.

I found the answer to that in the 3-day retreat.

I’ve never experienced anything like UNMESSABLE. This was HEAVY.

Now I understand why I had this constant feeling of not being enough despite everything I’ve gone through.

I was made aware that the reality of things in my life - with my relationships with my husband and the other people in my life, and even my relationship with myself - were very different from what I had been telling myself. It was because of what I fed my mind. To some extent, I thought I wasn’t enough.

Not anymore. UNMESSABLE helped me regain my power and freedom to live a life that I design.”

Mau Nipal-Nangyo
Business Owner, Entrepreneur, Ads Specialist

The retreat is on July 5, 6 & 7, 2024

You’ll Finally Deal with Your Traumas, Fears, Mistakes, and Failure, and leave them behind.

We’ll be there to help you heal.

We’ve tapped Aljor, who’s been where you are and helped transform thousands of lives, so that he, with our help) can guide you towards your true self.

Take the step towards lasting, life-altering transformation.

Finally experience the joys of life brought on by your success without being shackled to your past.



And what’s the only thing you need to do?

Show Up.

Don’t worry about anything else.

Just be there.

You’ll experience great food, comfortable lodging, useful learning materials, and a unique experience.

Expect top-notch quality and an experience of a lifetime, just as you would get from events led

by Laurus Enterprises Philippines.

The retreat is on July 5, 6 & 7, 2024

You’ll Finally Deal with Your Traumas, Fears, Mistakes, and Failure, and leave them behind.

We’ll be there to help you heal.

We’ve tapped Aljor, who’s been where you are and helped transform thousands of lives, so that he, with our help) can guide you towards your true self.

Take the step towards lasting, life-altering transformation.

Finally experience the joys of life brought on by your success without being shackled to your past.



And what’s the only thing you need to do?

Show Up.

Don’t worry about anything else.

Just be there.

You’ll experience great food, comfortable lodging, useful learning materials, and a unique experience.

Expect top-notch quality and an experience of a lifetime, just as you would get from events led

by Laurus Enterprises Philippines.

UNMESSABLE Event Starts In

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UNMESSABLE Event Starts In

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July 5, 6, 7, 2024


Farm Hills Garden

Brgy. Ulat, Silang, Cavite


July 5,6,7, 2024


Farm Hills Garden
Brgy. Ulat, Silang, Cavite


July 5,6,7, 2024


Farm Hills Garden

Brgy. Ulat, Silang, Cavite


Laurus Enterprises, Inc.


Aljor Perreras


₱45,000 (PER PAX)

Until June 28, 2024


₱60,000 (PER PAX)

From June 29 to July 5, 2024


Laurus Enterprises, Inc.




₱45,000 (PER PAX)

Until TBA


₱45,000 (PER PAX)

From TBA

UNMESSABLE Event Starts In

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UNMESSABLE Event Starts In

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

UNMESSABLE Event Starts In

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

“I always invest in my personal development. It's one of my non-negotiables in life.

I've been in the events business for more than 2 decades now, and Laurus is very dear to me.

But I'm not just thinking of Laurus as a company. No. I'm thinking about each person in Laurus. I care for each and every one of them. 

Which is why we brought our entire team to UnMessable - so we could better align ourselves, and so that each one of them could bring to life their own unique potential.

but what if my team and I were aligned on a much deeper level than my business' goals?

What if we understood each others' backgrounds, pains, origins, sacrifices, and trauma?

And even better, what if we healed all of those together?

Each and every one of us would be able to soar to greater heights,

and as a side-effect we would be able to hit more goals, bigger goals, better goals,

and the business would run smoother, faster, and longer.

It was one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. Ever since then, I’ve not worried about Laurus nor my team. Because my team came out stronger, more powerful, more intentional after the three-day retreat - and Laurus is thriving because of them.”

Joana Marie Lazaro
CEO & Co-Owner, Laurus Enterprises
CEO, Founder, & Director, I AM FUNTABULOUS

Rejuvenate Your Mind, Body And Spirit

Heal your wounds. Recover from your previous battles.

Nurture all the aspects of you, so you're fully equipped for your new life.

Face the future with renewed vigor!

“I always invest in my personal development. It's one of my non-negotiables in life.

I've been in the events business for more than 2 decades now, and Laurus is very dear to me.

But I'm not just thinking of Laurus as a company. No. I'm thinking about each person in Laurus. I care for each and every one of them. 

Which is why we brought our entire team to UnMessable - so we could better align ourselves, and so that each one of them could bring to life their own unique potential.

but what if my team and I were aligned on a much deeper level than my business' goals?

What if we understood each others' backgrounds, pains, origins, sacrifices, and trauma?

And even better, what if we healed all of those together?

Each and every one of us would be able to soar to greater heights,

and as a side-effect we would be able to hit more goals, bigger goals, better goals,

and the business would run smoother, faster, and longer.

It was one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. Ever since then, I’ve not worried about Laurus nor my team. Because my team came out stronger, more powerful, more intentional after the three-day retreat - and Laurus is thriving because of them.”

Joana Marie Lazaro
CEO & Co-Owner, Laurus Enterprises
CEO, Founder, & Director, I AM FUNTABULOUS

Rejuvenate Your Mind, Body And Spirit

Heal your wounds. Recover from your previous battles.

Nurture all the aspects of you, so you're fully equipped for your new life.

Face the future with renewed vigor!

Rediscover yourself in the middle of breathtaking scenery

The UNMESSABLE retreat includes a peaceful, quiet stay at FARM HILLS GARDEN, Brgy. Ulat, Silang, Cavite.

Rediscover yourself in the middle of breathtaking scenery

The UNMESSABLE retreat includes a peaceful, quiet stay at FARM HILLS GARDEN, Brgy. Ulat, Silang, Cavite..

Your surroundings in the sanctuary help prime you for healing and renewal.

You will be drawn to self-reflection and emotional release as you sit in the middle of the sanctuary’s beautifully landscaped gardens.

Your body will be rested in the excellent accommodations,

your belly full of nutritious meals prepared by the in-house chef,

So you can focus on healing your mind, heart, and soul.

Your surroundings in the sanctuary help prime you for healing and renewal.

You will be drawn to self-reflection and emotional release as you sit in the middle of the sanctuary’s beautifully landscaped gardens.

Your body will be rested in the excellent accommodations,

your belly full of nutritious meals prepared by the in-house chef,

So you can focus on healing your mind, heart, and soul.

UNMESSABLE Event Starts In

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UNMESSABLE Event Starts In

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

Create A Road Map For The New You!

Find your true self.

Your Relationships Thrive

Produce Results with Ease

Being Resolute in Life

Courage and Capacity to Contribute

Live a Meaningful, Fulfilled, Happy, and Peaceful Life.

“I’d like to be proof that the story ’struggling, suffering artist finds inspiration in pain and creates masterpiece‘ doesn’t have to be the case for all artists.

Sure, sometimes the struggling and suffering become a little bit too much. In fact, that was what it was like for me for a while.

What Aljor taught me in UNMESSABLE was that I can simply let go of the things that drag me down.

I can take myself and my craft to greater heights if I just let go of the things that shackle me to the ground.”

Ricardo David
Artist, Entrepreneur

Create A Road Map For The New You!

Find your true self.

Your Relationships Thrive

Produce Results with Ease

Being Resolute in Life

Courage and Capacity to Contribute

Live a Meaningful, Fulfilled, Happy, and Peaceful Life.

“I’d like to be proof that the story ’struggling, suffering artist finds inspiration in pain and creates masterpiece‘ doesn’t have to be the case for all artists.

Sure, sometimes the struggling and suffering become a little bit too much. In fact, that was what it was like for me for a while.

What Aljor taught me in UNMESSABLE was that I can simply let go of the things that drag me down.

I can take myself and my craft to greater heights if I just let go off the things that shackle me to the ground.”

Ricardo David
Artist, Entrepreneur


We have just 40 spots for our healing retreat, and they might go quickly.

To make sure we have the most dedicated individuals on board, the next step is to schedule a chat with our team.

This retreat is normally priced at ₱60,000. But you can now join us for ₱45,000 only, which includes two nights of comfortable lodging, all your meals, and transformative in-person sessions led by our expert facilitators.

Spots will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis so don’t wait.

Register now to secure your spot.

UNMESSABLE Event Starts In

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UNMESSABLE Event Starts In

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UNMESSABLE Event Starts In

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Here’s Where And When The Magic Will Happen

JULY 5, 6, & 7, 2024


Brgy. Ulat, Silang, Cavite

FRIDAY         DAY ONE          1PM – 9PM

SATURDAY     DAY TWO         9AM – 9PM

  SUNDAY      DAY THREE         9AM – 1PM

July 5, 6, & 7, 2024

Brgy. Ulat, Silang, Cavite




UNMESSABLE Event Starts In

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Frequently Asked Questions

I’m not sure if I have trauma, will I benefit from coming?

Absolutely! Our retreat is designed to help individuals navigate various life challenges, whether big or small. You'll find support and tools for personal growth, even if you're uncertain about having trauma.

Am I too old or too young to come?

There's no age limit for seeking personal growth and healing, so long as you're of legal age (18+!). Our retreat welcomes participants of all ages, and you'll find a diverse group sharing this transformative experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m not sure if I have trauma, will I benefit from coming?

Absolutely! Our retreat is designed to help individuals navigate various life challenges, whether big or small. You'll find support and tools for personal growth, even if you're uncertain about having trauma.

Am I too old or too young to come?

There's no age limit for seeking personal growth and healing, so long as you're of legal age (18+!). Our retreat welcomes participants of all ages, and you'll find a diverse group sharing this transformative experience.

Will I be healed in one retreat?

Healing is a unique journey, and one retreat is a significant step. While it might not solve everything, it provides valuable tools and insights to continue your healing process beyond the retreat.

Is there support after the retreat?

We're glad to say YES to this! We believe in ongoing support. We'll work on a structure suitable for everyone in the group after the retreat. You'll have access to resources, a community, and post-retreat guidance to help you maintain and build on the progress you make during the retreat.

Will I be healed in one retreat?

Healing is a unique journey, and one retreat is a significant step. While it might not solve everything, it provides valuable tools and insights to continue your healing process beyond the retreat.

Is there support after the retreat?

We're glad to say YES to this! We believe in ongoing support. We'll work on a structure suitable for everyone in the group after the retreat. You'll have access to resources, a community, and post-retreat guidance to help you maintain and build on the progress you make during the retreat.

I go to therapy already, should I bother coming to your retreat?

If you're already undergoing therapy, you're welcome to join our retreat; however, we recommend focusing on your current program WITHOUT introducing additional elements simultaneously. After completing your therapy, you might find value in participating in our program. We respect the work you're doing and want to ensure that our retreat complements, rather than interferes with, your existing healing journey.

Do you offer financial assistance?

Like flexible payment terms? We understand financial concerns. Please reach out to our team, and we'll do our best to find a solution that suits your situation. We'd love to help!

I go to therapy already, should I bother coming to your retreat?

If you're already undergoing therapy, you're welcome to join our retreat; however, we recommend focusing on your current program WITHOUT introducing additional elements simultaneously. After completing your therapy, you might find value in participating in our program. We respect the work you're doing and want to ensure that our retreat complements, rather than interferes with, your existing healing journey.

Do you offer financial assistance?

Like flexible payment terms? We understand financial concerns. Please reach out to our team, and we'll do our best to find a solution that suits your situation. We'd love to help!

Can I send a friend?

If your friend is interested, we'd be happy to welcome them! Feel free to reach out to us for any group arrangements

What if I’m an introvert?

Introverts are welcome! Our retreat provides a balanced environment, allowing everyone to engage at their own pace. There's no pressure to be extroverted.

Can I send a friend?

If your friend is interested, we'd be happy to welcome them! Feel free to reach out to us for any group arrangements

What if I’m an introvert?

Introverts are welcome! Our retreat provides a balanced environment, allowing everyone to engage at their own pace. There's no pressure to be extroverted.

I feel anxious about attending, is this normal?

Completely normal. Many participants feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. Our team is experienced in creating a supportive atmosphere, and we're here to help you feel comfortable.

What is the application process?

Applying is simple. Click THIS link, fill out the application form, and our team will contact you to guide you through the next steps. We’re serious about getting the right people in our first-ever retreat, hence the application process.

I feel anxious about attending, is this normal?

Completely normal. Many participants feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. Our team is experienced in creating a supportive atmosphere, and we're here to help you feel comfortable.

What is the application process?

Applying is simple. Click THIS link, fill out the application form, and our team will contact you to guide you through the next steps. We’re serious about getting the right people in our first-ever retreat, hence the application process.

Do you offer refunds? Any money-back guarantee?

We understand circumstances may change. Check our refund policy on the website or contact our team for more details.

How do I get to the retreat?

Detailed travel information will be provided upon confirmation. We strive to make your journey to the retreat as smooth as possible.

Do you offer refunds? Any money-back guarantee?

We understand circumstances may change. Check our refund policy on the website or contact our team for more details.

How do I get to the retreat?

Detailed travel information will be provided upon confirmation. We strive to make your journey to the retreat as smooth as possible.

UNMESSABLE Event Starts In

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UNMESSABLE Event Starts In

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

UNMESSABLE Event Starts In

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

Disclaimers: In consideration of my participation in the above-mentioned Event presented by, its Speaker/Trainer, and its promoters, I hereby generally release SR and their agents, representatives, employees, promoters, successors, assigns, insurers, and affiliated companies for any and all liability whatsoever related to SR’s negligence, negligent conduct or omissions. Including any activity and indemnify each of the aforesaid from any loss or liability arising from any claim arising out of my participation in the event in general and in particular any activity. These releases shall not exclude any liability for death or personal injury caused by negligence or where such limitation or exclusion is not permitted by law. The information presented at the event and the supplementary materials provided to me are intended for educational and informational purposes only. I acknowledge that SR does not make any representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the event presented by the Speaker/Trainer. Nothing contained therein is to be considered as the rendering of legal advice for specific cases or circumstances.



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